Become a Member

Instructions Before Filling Membership Form
To complete the membership form, please ensure you have the following:
- A scanned copy of a passport size photo (max size 500kb).
- Credit/Debit card/Net banking with an Indian bank account.
- Note: Currently, we are not set up to accept foreign credit cards or bank transfers from overseas accounts.
- Types of Memberships - Select one:For GIRLSONE Year - Rs 550/-TEN Years - Rs 4250/-LIFE TIME - Rs 16000/-For BOYSONE Year - Rs 550/-FIVE Years - Rs 2200/-
Note:(You can post the completed form with the cheque to Mrs. Shreen Abbas, Treasurer LMGAA, C/o La Martiniere Girls' College, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow- 226001 or pay cash/cheque to Mrs. S. Abbas when you visit the College, on any working day between 11a.m. to 2p.m)
Contact Us
La Martiniere Girls' College, 1-Rana Pratap Marg, Post Box 33, Lucknow-226001, Uttar Pradesh
7570000131, 7570000132
[email protected] (for official use)
[email protected] (for website use)
10:00 am to 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm