Our Mission is to provide a holistic education to mould young women into confident thinkers and compassionate leaders who are capable and courageous enough to create their impact in the world. We endeavour to create compassionate, responsible and innovative global citizens committed to the development and service of humanity.
Who Are We
Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Vision is to create a warm and joyful learning experience that inspires students to develop a love for learning and helps them to discover their highest potential. We aim to prepare caring and influential citizens who are adept at facing the challenges of an ever-evolving global society and at the same time are able to lead the world into a bright and progressive future.
Our Values
Our Values are rooted in our Motto “Labore Et Constantia” which essentially means Toil and Fidelity. We promote the development of confidence and compassion, the art of responsible risk taking and ethical decision making. Both our mission and motto are underscored by our core values of conscience, courtesy, courage and charity.
Our Strategy
Our strategy is to educate our girls to become leaders of a changing world. We dedicate ourselves to provide superior education in academics, physical and mental health as well as in character building and enriching programs that help create a community which is empathetic towards society with the help of our talented staff working in a modernized environment with a strong financial base.
School Song
Hail! Hail! The name we own,
Hail to the giver :
Blessing and bright renown,
Be his forever!
All his martial deeds may die,
Lasting still his charity
This his laurel blooms for aye,
Dead, he lives in us today,
This, then, our song shall be,
As we chant his eulogy-
“May our Founder’s name endure,
Ever spotless, ever pure!”
Faithful may we ever be,
Followers of his constancy;
Firm of hand against the foe,
Soft of heart to succour woe.
This, then, our song shall be,
As we chant his eulogy-
“May our Founder’s name endure,
Ever spotless, ever pure!”
~F.J.Rowe, M.A., Second Master
La Martiniere College Calcutta (1868-1890)
School Prayer
O Almighty God, and most merciful Father,
Who has taught us to praise Thee as well for the dead as the living,
We thank Thee for Claude Martin, our Founder,
And for the lives and examples of all who have served Thee in this school.
Pour down Thy blessing, we pray Thee, upon those who are now here.
Prosper our labours, as Thou, in Thy wisdom, seest to be best for us.
Protect us, we beseech Thee, from all things hurtful both to soul and body.
Preserve us by Thy Holy spirit from sin and selfishness,
And make us generous and brave, pure and true, in all our work and in all our play,
That our tasks, being sanctified by Thy love, our days here may be attended by Thy blessing,
And that when our days’ work on earth is over,
Thou mayest send us rest from our labours under the shadow of Thy wing,
For the sake of Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
The Four Houses

Motto: Never Give In
This house is named after the renowned reformer and administrator Lord Cornwallis, who was one of Claude Martin’s greatest friends and benefactors. The motto ‘Never Give In’, simple yet inspirational, teaches everyone to continue fighting for their dreams and goals in this long windy road of Life.

Motto: Do or Die
This house is named after the gallant and intrepid officer Major William Stephen Hodson. As understood by the Motto “Do or Die”, this house teaches our girls to continue fighting for what they believe in and to never give up.

Motto: Perseverance Conquers All
This house is named after the town of Lyons in France, the birthplace of Major General Claude Martin. True to its Motto “Perseverance”, this house teaches our girls to continue dreaming and working towards achieving their aspirations despite the struggles.

Motto: Nil Desperandum
The house derives its name from the founder of the La Martiniere Institutions, Major General Claude Martin. The Motto “Nil Desperandum” or “Do Not Despair” teaches the girls to never give up or feel disheartened if they are ever met with failures on the road to success.
Contact Us
La Martiniere Girls' College, 1-Rana Pratap Marg, Post Box 33, Lucknow-226001, Uttar Pradesh
7570000131, 7570000132
[email protected] (for official use)
[email protected] (for website use)
10:00 am to 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm